Who are we ?
We are 14 students of the IIM's "3D project manager specializing in 3D animation" bachelor's, organized like professional studios in the animation sector.
We named our studio BUDDY'S PRODUCTION to refer to our group formed during the confinement. Faced with this sanitary situation, we gathered as a team with year 2s as technicians and year 3s as technicians and supervisors. In spite of the distances, we were very connected and we made incredible encounters during our adventures ! A great team of sound designers, helpful staff and professionals with good advice.
Head of Communication
Digital School
Thank you to IIM for accompanying us throughout the realization of this project. Special thanks to Marc Bellan and Ekkarat Rothong, in charge of the 3D animation axis.
Sound Design Specialist
In collaboration with the audio post-production studio and sound training center. Many thanks to Gaëtan Theyssier and his great team of sound designers !
Collaborative Contractor
PocketStudio is the 3D content creation tool that allows your team to work together remotely, in real-time.
Thanks to Jean-Colas Prunier and his team for having guided us on the use of this software.